Grading Policies

Grading in this class is done on the percentage of points earned by your child. The students total points are divided by the total possible score, and are based on the following:

2nd to 3rd Grade 4th to 6th Grade

Composition book with class work / Cornell Notes 5%

Lab Notebook/workbook 40% 40%

Research Paper/projects 10% 10%

Chapter Tests 30% 30%

Quizzes(Science Vocabulary) 10% 10%

Performance testing-Lab work, procedure, behavior, teamwork​ and class participation 10% 10%

90%-100% E A

80%-89% + B

70%-79% S C

60%-69% N D

Any student doing unsatisfactory work in class will be given a “PROGRESS REPORT” to be signed by a parent.